In other words, a more offensive-minded bard. They are lightly-armored combatants, proficient in light armor, simple weapons plus longsword/rapier/spiked chain/scythe/short sword/shortbow, and a d8 hit die and Medium BAB progression with good Reflex and Will saves.

Nightblades have spontaneous bardic-progression arcane spellcasting, and they have a versatile skill list with a decent amount of points (6 + Int modifier) per level. As the game mechanics are OGL, the nightblade's write-up can be seen on D20 Pathfinder SRD. For example, Path of the Bloodied Chain makes one a master of fear, utilizing the haunting rattling of spectral chains and literally feeding off of opponents' fear, Path of the Darkened Fortress allows you to create and mold raw shadowstuff into tangible material, and so on and so forth. The many ways a nightblade can be taught are numerous, and they specialize in various "Paths" which grant them specialty in certain areas. Virgin Islandsĭetail Instruction is provided with ever purchase on how to use this product.Nightblades in short are experts of combat, stealth, and spell, utilizing the power of shadows to confuse, demoralize, and weaken their opponents. Includes these North American regions: The 50 contiguous United States, Canada, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Guaranteed to be working 100% or you money back, no questions asked. This navigation map update is compatible with the following GM vehicles: This latest edition provides updated Points of Interest to help you find the way to where you want to go quickly and efficiently. You can confidently drive through unfamiliar or recently changed areas. New and expanded coverage in hundreds of cities, counties and metropolitan areas across North America. Get accurate directions to wherever you travel including new roads, new sub-divisions, and current addresses.